Memoization is mechanism of recording a function results based on its arguments in order to reduce computation in consecutive calls.
- Implement Memoization using Scala.
- Implement Memoization using Scalaz.
Code: By Scala
class Hasher extends Memoizer { val memoMd5 = memo(md5) private def md5(input: String) = { println(s"Calling md5 for $input") new String(Base64.getEncoder.encode(input.getBytes())) } } trait Memoizer { def memo[X, Y](f: X => Y): X => Y = { val cache = mutable.Map[X, Y]() (x: X) => cache.getOrElseUpdate(x, f(x)) } }
object MemoizationExample extends App { val hasher = new Hasher println(s"Encode for 'hello' is '${hasher.memoMd5("hello")}'") println(s"Encode for 'bye' is '${hasher.memoMd5("bye")}'") println(s"Encode for 'hello1' is '${hasher.memoMd5("hello1")}'") println(s"Encode for 'hello' is '${hasher.memoMd5("hello")}'") println(s"Encode for 'bye' is '${hasher.memoMd5("bye")}'") }
Code: By Scalaz
class Hasher { val memoMd5Scalaz: String => String = Memo.mutableHashMapMemo(md5) private def md5(input: String) = { println(s"Calling md5 for $input") new String(Base64.getEncoder.encode(input.getBytes())) } }
object MemoizationScalazExample extends App { val hasher = new Hasher println(s"Encode for 'hello' is '${hasher.memoMd5Scalaz("hello")}'") println(s"Encode for 'bye' is '${hasher.memoMd5Scalaz("bye")}'") println(s"Encode for 'hello1' is '${hasher.memoMd5Scalaz("hello1")}'") println(s"Encode for 'hello' is '${hasher.memoMd5Scalaz("hello")}'") println(s"Encode for 'bye' is '${hasher.memoMd5Scalaz("bye")}'") }
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