If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quack like a duck then it is probably a duck.
It is not the type of object matters but the operations that the objects supports. We can use duck typing for requiring even more methods to be available for an object by just expanding the parameter signature.
Caution: Overusing duck typing can negatively affect the code quality and application performance
Duck Typing using Scala
class SentenceParserSplit { def parse(sentence: String): Array[String] = sentence.split("\\s+") }
class SentenceParserTokenize { def parse(sentence: String): Array[String] = { val tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(sentence) Iterator.continually({ val hasMore = tokenizer.hasMoreTokens if(hasMore) { (hasMore, tokenizer.nextToken()) } else { (hasMore, null) } }).takeWhile(_._1).map(_._2).toArray } }
object WithDuckTyping { def printSentenceParser(sentence: String, parser: {def parse(sentence: String): Array[String]}) = { parser.parse(sentence).foreach(println) } def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val tokenizerParser = new SentenceParserTokenize val splitParser = new SentenceParserSplit val sentence = "This is the sentence we will be splitting" println("Using the tokenizer parser ... ") printSentenceParser(sentence, tokenizerParser) println("Using the split parser ... ") printSentenceParser(sentence, splitParser) } }
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